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Routine Revamp: 6 Habit Changes to Avoid Dry Hair

Battling dry hair can be exhausting! While we are constantly looking for ways to add moisture to our hair, part of the problem can also be what we are doing everyday to unconsciously suck moisture from our strands. A few simple changes in our everyday routines, can make a major difference when it comes to helping hair retain moisture.

1. Ditch the towel.
You've just washed your hair and like clock work you reach for a nice fluffy towel to dry it with. Yikes! Just as that same towel eliminates moisture from your skin it eliminates moisture from your hair and can even cause breakage. Next time you wash your luxurious locks, opt for an old (but clean) cotton t-shirt or a microfiber towel. You'll be sure to just soak up the excess moisture and not all the moisture.

2. Air Dry.
Have you ever been in a public restroom and used one of those heated and dryers? Do you remember you hands feeling tight and dry after? Well thats exactly whats happening when you blow dry your wet hair. The blowdryer robs your strands of all its moisture and your left with clean, yet tight and dry hair. Air drying allows the hair to hold on to the moisture that it needs while the excess can evaporate naturally.

3.Take a Heat Pass.
Lets face it, we all need a little heat every now and then to achieve our fabulous hair styles. But do you really NEED to straighten your hair everyday? No, and if you do, chances are your hair is extremely heat damaged. If you find yourself reaching for a curling iron or flat iron more than twice a week, switch it up a bit. Try a no heat curling style (there are TONS of pins on those), a chic bun, or even a sleek ponytail. There are countless fabulous styles that you can achieve with out using heat, so give the hot tools a break! But...If you really MUST use heat styling, opt for a lower temperature setting AND a quality heat protectant.

4. Check the Label.
Contrary to popular belief, a lot of the hair products on the market today just are simply not good for your hair. Take a look at the products that you are currently using on your hair, if they contain any isopropyl alcohol, mineral oil, petroleum, sodium sulfates, parabens, or Polyethylene Glycol (or PEG)…RUN. Not only do these ingredients strip hair of its natural moisture, some of them are also guilty of causing CANCER. So ditch the commercial products and opt for more natural options such as organic oils (coconut is my favorite) and natural hair care lines.

5. Do Right at Night.
After a long busy day you could probably want nothing more than to throw your hair up into a high ponytail and pass out in bed right? Wrong! Before you lay your head down to sleep you need to make sure that your hair is properly prepared for bed. Night time is a crucial time for battling dry hair because it is the only time of day that your is truly at rest and that means its the best time to absorb nutrients. Make sure you apply moisture and protect your hair (without tension) from nightly wear and tear. A head scarf, a bonnet, or even a loosely pulled bun on a satin pillowcase should do the trick.

6. Have the Right Tools
The tools that your using on your hair can be just as guilty in causing dry brittle hair as how your using them. Opt for wider toothed combs, vent brushes, and no-snag scrunchies to avoid drying out and damaging your strands. Always remember to comb from end-to-root to avoid tangles, and wash your hair styling tools if not every time you wash your hair, at least once a month.

Remember these moisture saving tips when caring for your hair and, trust me, you will notice a huge difference in the way you hair looks and feels in no time!

Which of these habits do you think will be the hardest for you to change?

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