
The fabulous world as I see it...

Sweet Treats: 15 Irresistible Fall Treat Recipes

Autumn is my absolute FAVORITE time of year! I love the smell of pumpkin, cinnamon spices, and apples. That whole fall aura just gives me so much LIFE!

As the cool weather creeps in & the scenery changes from green to auburn, fall is the perfect time to cozy up and indulge in some irresistibly sweet treats. I have a ton of yummy recipes in my box but I wanted to share my favorite-est fall food picks with you. I hope you'll enjoy these just as much as I do!

1. Chocolate Covered Strawberry "Pumpkins"

This delicious spin on chocolate covered strawberries over at MomLovesBaking are super cute! Their healthy and really easy to make with just 3 ingredients.

2. Candy Corn Cupcakes from TheGirlWhoAteEverything

Although these cupcakes don't actually taste like candy corn I still think that they are such a cute treat for the fall.

3. Cinnamon Apple Rings over at FortuneGoodies

This is such a healthy treat!

4. Pumpkin Waffles from CookingClassy

I'm such a sucker for homemade waffles, I mean like I could literally eat them for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner. Pair that with pumpkin spice and you have pure heaven!

5. Candy Corn and White Chocolate Blondies from AverieCooks

I have never been a huge fan of brownies but it's something about white chocolate that tickles my sweet tooth! These beautiful blondes are made with real candy corn, making them am instant fall favorite.

6. Pumpkin Angel Food Cake from JuliesEatsAndTreats

The light and airy texture of angel food cake makes it a perfect match for French vanilla ice cream. Infuse a box of angel food cake mix with pumpkin & cinnamon flavors for a yummy spin on this classic treat.

7. Pumpkin Cheesecake w/ Caramel Sauce from TasteAndTellBlog

I think the picture pretty much explains it all, don't you think?

8. Baked Apple Cider Donuts

Oh-my-goodness! My favorite fall indulgence would have to be Apple Cider Donuts. It's like a battle trying to swipe a decent box of theses delectable treats at the farm near me. This recipe from TheFauxMartha looks great, I think that I might be giving this a try!

9. Pumpkin Pie Cinnamon Rolls from DietHood

I mean just look at they really need an introduction?

10. Apple Crisp

This crunchy alternative to apple pie over at TastesBetterFromScratch looks amazing! I can't wait to try this for Thanksgiving.

I really do want to make them all, I just hope I don't gain too much weight this fall! If you decide to try any of these irresistible sweets please post pictures & links! I would love to see them. Also, don't forget to comment on the original recipe's post too!

Do you have a favorite fall recipe that you'd like to share? Comment below!

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Health Rules: 5 Super Simple Daily Changes to Boost Your Health

Ok lets face it, as much as we all would like to think that we are super healthily humans, in reality most of us are just the opposite. Instead of trying some "believe it or not" crash diet, buying bland food that I'm probably never going to eat, or killing myself in the gym, I decided to take real easy most practical approach to improving my health by making small changes to my daily routine.

1.) Take a Multi Vitamin
One of the most prominent reasons why we are not as healthy as we would like to be is because theres a major lack in vitamins and nutrients in our bodies. So, especially if your diet is not ideal, you can definitely benefit from taking a multivitamin twice daily.

2.) Wake Up Earlier
I swear I'm not a morning person, like not at all. However those days when my little one drags me out of the bed before 7am tend to be my more productive days. Im not sure if its because I don't have to end up in a rush to get out the door but whatever it is, waking up early will make you feel empowered. Even if its just getting up an extra hour early before work, try it and see how much of a difference time makes.

3.) Take a Morning Run Walk
Im not a runner either. If your a runner, great, take a morning run. If your not so much a runner (like me) take a morning walk. Try a brisk walk around the block just after breakfast, the fresh dewey air of the morning will help wake up and rejuvenate your cells. If you have a dog, infants, or toddlers take them with you, they won't mind coming along for the trip.

4.) Substitute Juice for Water
This one was super easy for me because I don't drink a lot of carbonated or sugary juices. Water is my beverage of choice, and it should be yours too! Water is soooo good for your body, it helps your organs, your skin, and helps to keep your muscles energized but sadly the amount of water extracted from flavored drinks is hardly enough to keep your body in tip top shape.Im not saying never drink anything other than water in life ever again, but try to substitute your juice or soda for water whenever possible. If you usually have 5 juices a day, try 3 juices and 2 waters, or 2 juice and 3 watersdly the amount of water extracted from flavored drinks is hardly enough to keep your body in tip top shape.

5.) Eat more snacks
Yes, "snacks". I don't mean eat 15 bags of Doritos everyday. Im talking in the sense of portion sizes. Doctors and health experts are constantly promoting the idea of eating several small meals a day rather than 3 large ones, and I agree. The problem with our 3 meal a day habit is that these meals are size properly nor are they spaced out properly. Too often are people eating 4 course lunches because they missed breakfast, causing our bodies to go into starvation mode, absorbing all energy & nutrients possible and storing them until your next meal. By eating small portions of meals ever few hours or so, your metabolism can stay on track, your body will be able to store and disperse vitamins properly, you will feel hungry less often, and you will overall have more energy.

6.) Add 10 minutes of Yoga
I know that Yoga isn't for everybody. However, yoga is the only form of exercise that is as relaxing as it is a huge benefit to your health. Yoga helps circulation, increase cardiovascular health, help manage weight, relieve stress, and even pain. You need little to no equipment to practice and you can do it right in your living room. My favorite do-it-at-home yoga site is and best of all its FREE!

Make a few of these minor changes to your everyday and reap the benefits of a healthier routine!

What small changes have you made to boost up your health lately?

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